VACANCY: Massive Recruitment in a Non-governmental Organization (IBBSS) 623 views

Massive Recruitment in a Non-governmental Organization (IBBSS)

We are a Non-governmental organization working on the improvement of Heath Equity through sustained engagement with core element-approach which includes Research, Program delivery, Technical Assistance, and Education.

We are providing technical support for the Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey and we currently require the services of the position below for a short-term engagement towards the process of field implementation:

Job Title: Data / IT Support Officer

Locations: Lagos, Oyo, Benue, Nasarawa, Kaduna, Kano, Taraba, Gombe, Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom and Rivers
Slots: 12 (1 position per state)
Duration of Engagement: 2 months maximum

Job Description
  • The Data / IT Support Officer will support the database activities at the state level
  • S / he will also support report writing and provision of IT support for the process at the state level.
Terms of Reference
  • Daily Managing of IT component and will ensure errors are identified and sorted timely
  • Support the state team in the resolution of IT issues
  • Provide an update on IT process on a daily basis
  • Will resolve all tablet related issues in the state
  • Carry out any other related tasks as assigned by the UOM State Representative, Data Analyst, IT Officer, or Team Lead.
  • M.Sc in Information Technology, Computer Science or related discipline
  • Or B.Sc. in Information Technology, Computer Science and Information Management with 3 to 5 years relevant experience in IT management with a good understanding of key population research activities
  • Resident in the selected state is strongly preferred
  • Comfortable with data handling/management and excellent attention to detail
  • Experience in using SPSS or other statistical packages like CS Pro, ODK, etc.
  • Familiarity with IT packages necessary for public health and Key population programming and expertise in resolving tablets related issues will be an added advantage.

Job Title:  Social Mobilizer

Locations: Lagos, Oyo, Benue, Nasarawa, Kaduna, Kano, Taraba, Gombe, Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom, and Rivers
Slots: 48 (4 positions per state)
Duration of Engagement: 2 months maximum

Job Description
  • The Social Mobilizer will serve as the Liaison Officer between interviewers and participants and ease the recruitment process on the field
  • The Social Mobilizer positions are to be applied for by typology (FSW, MSM, PWID, and TG).
Terms of Reference

The Social Mobilizer under the supervision of the UOM State Representative will carry out the following:

  • Connect with the community members and engage them before the arrival of the interviewers
  • Recruitment of community members from selected spots
  • Inform the community members about the study
  • Update community members on the survey
  • Ensure the interview is conducted at the best time and place.
Qualifications / Experience
  • Must be learned and possess at least a Secondary School Leaving Certificate i.e. SSCE, NECO.
  • Must be a certified Key population community member of the target group
  • 1-2 years previous experience working with Key Population
  • Possess good communication and organizational skill
  • Resident in the selected state is strongly preferred
  • Must be a good team player
  • Familiarity with the key population hotspots in the state and local dialect is desirable
  • Virtual mapping skills will be an advantage.

Job Title: IBBSS Field Supervisor

Locations: Lagos, Oyo, Benue, Nasarawa, Kaduna, Kano, Taraba, Gombe, Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom and Rivers
Slots: 48 (4 positions per state)
Duration of Engagement: 3 months maximum

Job Description
  • The IBBSS Field Supervisor will supervise the collection of data and biological sample by the field team
  • The supervisor positions are to be applied for by typology (FSW, MSM, PWID, and TG)
  • S/he works directly with UOM State Representative of the state to ensure the quality and timeliness of the data and biological sample collected
  • They head the field teams and send regular reports of field activities to their UOM State Representative.
Terms of Reference

The IBBSS Field Supervisor under the supervision of the UOM State Representative is responsible for the following:

  • Plan daily field activity along with the UOM State representative and the filed team
  • To conduct daily meetings and brief the team about the day’s work every morning before field entry
  • Debrief the team during meetings, discuss field issues and suggest appropriate solutions where required
  • Maintain close contact with team members in order to closely monitor and support data collection at each stage including sampling specifications (sampling points, selection of respondents), and interviewing specifications. This is necessary to ensure quality and consistency throughout the data collection process
  • Supervision of interviews being conducted on a regular basis
  • Maintenance of data collection updates for his / her specific team
  • Act as a resource person for the field team members by providing answers and clarification to questions that may arise on the field.
Qualifications / Experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health, Development Studies, Social Sciences, Health Sciences or related field
  • At least two (2) years experience participating in managing research activities involving qualitative/ quantitative data collection.
  • The resident in the selected state is strongly preferred.
  • Familiarity with carrying out key population surveys is desirable and will be an added advantage
  • The ability to speak the local dialect fluently would be a major asset.
  • Experience with MS office package.

Job Title: Laboratorian

Locations: Lagos, Oyo, Benue, Nasarawa, Kaduna, Kano, Taraba, Gombe, Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom, and Rivers
Slots: 48 (4 positions per state)
Duration of Engagement: 2 months maximum

Job Description
  • The Laboratorian will carry out the biological data collection of the survey
  • S/he will be responsible for blood sample collection, its temporary storage, and subsequent transportation to designated laboratories.
Terms of Reference

The laboratorian under the supervision of the IBBSS Field Supervisor will be responsible for the following:

  • Collect blood samples and carry out a recommended serological test on collected samples
  • Ensuring optimal quality assurance on samples
  • Storing blood samples and ensure that samples are transported in good/standard conditions
  • Maintaining, calibrating, cleaning and ensuring sterility of equipment
  • Ordering and maintaining stock and resources.
Qualifications / Experience
  • A minimum of Bachelor of Science Degree in Laboratory Science from an accredited university
  • Minimum of 3 years working experience in a Medical Laboratory, Clinic or hospital
  • Relevant Certifications will be an added advantage
  • Candidate must possess current practicing license
  • Resident in the selected state is strongly preferred
  • Good computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite and other related medical software.

Job Title: Counsellor

Locations: Lagos, Oyo, Benue, Nasarawa, Kaduna, Kano, Taraba, Gombe, Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom, and Rivers
Slots: 96 (8 positions per state)
Duration of Engagement: 2 months maximum

Job Description
  • The Counsellor serves as the intermediary between the interviewer and the laboratorian during the data and blood sample collection process
  • The Counsellor positions are to be applied for by typology (FSW, MSM, PWID, and TG).
  • S / he will be responsible for validating that the participant gave consent during contact with the interviewer and the pre / post-counseling sessions.
Terms of Reference

The counselor under the supervision of the IBBSS Field Supervision will carry out the following:

  • Validate that the participant gave consent at the point of contact with the interviewer
  • Ensure that ethics are adhered to on the field and confidentiality of survey participants is protected
  • Directs participants to laboratorian for testing
  • Facilitate referrals of HIV positive Key Populations to OSS / KEY POPULATION friendly facilities for treatment and care services
  • Conduct pre and post-HIV counseling for all participants who consent to the survey
  • May also serve as an interviewer if the need arises.
Qualifications / Experience
  • Relevant Degree or Diploma in Social Sciences, Sciences or Education or JCHEW / CHEW
  • 1-2 years previous experience working with Key Population in HIV counseling and testing
  • Good interpersonal skills and communication with consenting participants
  • Knowledge of the local dialect is also paramount
  • Resident in the selected state is strongly preferred.

Job Title: Interviewer

Locations: Lagos, Oyo, Benue, Nasarawa, Kaduna, Kano, Taraba, Gombe, Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom, and Rivers
Slots: 144 (12 positions per state)
Duration of Engagement: 2 months maximum

Job Description
  • The Interviewer will conduct IBBSS interviews according to the provided training and guidelines, ensuring that daily interview targets are met
  • The interviewer positions are to be applied for by typology (PSW, MSM, PWID, and TG)
  • The interviewer (by KEY POPULATION typology) is supervised by the IBBSS Field Supervisor and assisted by the Social Mobilizer in recruiting participants
  • S/he will report daily targets to the field Supervisor using the logbook and any discrepancies on the field.
Terms of Reference

The interviewer under the supervision of the IBBSS Field Supervisor will carry out the following:

  • To conduct IBBSS interviews (by KEY POPULATION typology) according to the provided training and guidelines, ensuring that daily interview targets are met
  • To obtain informed consent and ensure confidentiality of information given by study participants
  • To accurately record the respondent’s answers on the tablet (questionnaire) according to instructions in the field manual
  • Assist the IBBSS Field Supervisor in managing all field operations for his / her specific team (if required)
  • Conduct all delegated work assigned by the IBBSS Field Supervisor or UOM State Representative
Qualifications / Experience
  • About 1-2 years of experience participating in qualitative/quantitative data collection
  • Any form of Tertiary education (i.e. B.Sc., HND) will be an added advantage
  • Passion for field research and demonstrable experience of using mobile-assisted technology in data collection e.g. use of a tablet
  • Familiarity with carrying out key population surveys at state / national levels will be an added advantage
  • Resident in the selected state is strongly preferred
  • Ability to speak the local dialect fluently would be a major asset
  • Must understand the basic usage of a smartphone.

Job Title: UOM State Representative

Locations: Lagos, Oyo, Benue, Nasarawa, Kaduna, Kano, Taraba, Gombe, Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom, and Rivers
Slots: 12 (1 position per state)
Duration of Engagement: 3 months maximum

Job Description
  • The UOM State Representative is responsible for all field activities taking place in the target LGAs including logistic, managing human resource, supervision and quality assurance of fieldwork
  • S/he will provide day-to-day management of all activities and personnel within the state during the period of the assignment.
Terms of Reference

The UOM State Representative will serve in the following capacities:

  • Maintain liaison between the field team and Program Implementation Team
  • Planning of all field activities and ensuring logistic and communication support to all field teams
  • Along with the individual team supervisors, plan daily data collection task
  • To ensure that the data collection process is in accordance with the protocol
  • Supervise and monitor the data collection process in the field by visiting field teams randomly
  • Act as a resource person for the field team members by providing answers and clarification to questions that may arise on the field
  • Conduct all delegated work assigned by the UOM National Team Lead.
Qualifications / Experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health, Development Studies, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, or related field. Masters of Public Health will be an added advantage
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in managing research activities including qualitative/quantitative data collection
  • Resident in the selected state is strongly preferred
  • Strong leadership, management, and administrative skills
  • Familiarity with carrying out key population surveys is desirable and will be an added advantage
  • Must have a good working knowledge of the intended state and its LGAs.
  • Well-developed computer skills; Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should apply by using the “Login as candidate” button below.


  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.
  • Individuals blacklisted from implementing Global Fund grants are not eligible to apply
  • We are an equal opportunity organization that is committed to promoting gender equality

Application Deadline  31st August 2020.


  • We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity inclusion. We do not discriminate on grounds of color, race, nationality, religion, age, ethnic origin, disability, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation in our employment practices
Only candidates can apply for this job.
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