VACANCY: Enugu State Government Recruitment 587 views

Enugu State Government Recruitment

Enugu State Government has established an Agency for Community and Social Development Project (CSDP), which is responsible for implementing the World Bank-Assisted Project. The project has the objective to increase access of poor people (in rural communities) to improve social and natural resources infrastructure services in a sustainable manner through the provision of grant support to beneficiaries for identifying prioritizing, implementation, and maintenance of community-driven micro-projects under approved Community Development Plans (CDP) and Group Development Plans (GDP).

To fill the position created as a result of a change of service and retirement of officers, the positions below are declared vacant and hereby invite application from suitably qualified candidates:

Job Title: Assistant Project Accountant

Location: Enugu

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Assisting in preparing budget and work plan for the SA;
  • Assisting to maintain the AS assets Database;
  • Assisting to prepare monthly/quarterly reports in accordance with accounting reporting requirements
  • Managing and controlling inventory and stores of the Agency.
Qualifications and Experience
  • A University degree / HND in Accounting, Banking and Finance and/or their equivalents with at least five (5) years post-qualification experience.
  • Membership of Professional Association such as ICAN, ACA, ACCA, ANAN, and knowledge of computer-based accounting packages and experience in donor-funded or rural development project audit will be an added advantage.

Job Title: Project Officer – MIS

Location: Enugu

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Design and prepare CSDP Management Information System operational manual and Assess the information needs for the various components of the SA;
  • Review alongside other project staff the data collection forms at the different stages of the micro-projects cycle;
  • Prepare technical specification for the procurement of necessary MIS hardware and software applications;
  • Monitor the operation of the MIS, Upgrade hardware and software and ensure MIS hard and software maintenance;
  • Establish the working schedule and MIS data;
  • Develop reports or formats using existing MIS data and prepare the required documents using a friendly report generator;
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the M&E Manager.
Qualifications and Experience
  • A University degree or equivalent in Electrical / Electronic Engineering; Information Management, Computer Science, Engineering, and related fields.
  • Five (5) years post qualification experience, two of which must have been in the design, development, and implementation of Databases and client Server Software applications.
  • Knowledge and experience with development tools client side rapid application development and experience using a friendly report generator would be an advantage.

Job Title: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Manager

Location: Enugu

Roles and Responsibilities

The M&E Manager shall be charged with the responsibility of:

  • Ensuring the maintenance of records of all types of data and information on SA activities;
  • Overseeing the monitoring and evaluation department of SA and coordinating the activities of the MIS and M & E units and Provide guidelines and guidance for the operations of the MIS and M & E units for them to meet the expectations of the SA.
  • Liaising with the LGRC and other Departments of the SA for M & E purposes and working with the communities to ensure effective participatory monitoring and evaluation of CDPs / GDPs and micro-projects;
  • Consolidating annual budget and work-plan for the department, designing field data collection and collation formats for the SA, developing Terms of Reference and providing guidance for all M & E studies;
  • Liaising with the Operations and Finance and Administration departments to collect and collate data for tracking of Key activities of the SA: (budget performance, financial matters like costing/pricing of CSDP activities In the State, Operations, etc ), and
  • Providing cumulative records, analysis, and statistics of activities over time to guide operations and provide an information base for planning and future evaluation.
Qualifications and Experience
  • A University degree in Agriculture, Statistics, Social Sciences, Engineering, Extension Services or Project manager, with at least twelve (12) years post qualification experience.
  • Knowledge of Computers is mandatory.
  • Previous experience in project monitoring and evaluation shall be an added advantage.

Job Title: Finance and Administration Manager

Location: Enugu

Roles and Responsibilities

The Finance and Administration Manager shall be charged with the responsibility for:

  • Ensuring the efficient running of the Office and the maintenance of all office facilities;
  • Processing and paying all bills, Salaries (etc) pertaining to the smooth running of the SA;
  • Maintaining schedules of personnel, welfare, and other personnel functions;
  • Ensuring the proper recording of financial transactions of the Agency;
  • Generating adequate, reliable, and timely financial reports for the GM and other departments;
  • Preparing the annual budget and Work plans for the SA;
  • Processing and managing all fund disbursements as well as ensuring proper documentation to facilitate the release of funds from funding agencies to communities;
  • Liaising with banks, tax authorities, and other regulatory agencies on behalf of the SA;
  • Preparing monthly and quarterly reports on the financial progress of micro-projects and CDP5;
  • Preparing quarterly Financial Management Reports (FMR5);
  • Assisting the GM in the day-to-day running of the SA;
  • Reviewing financial transactions of communities in line with General Guidelines issued by the SA, FPSU, and Funding Agencies, and making reports to the GM; and
  • Offering training and capacity building in the areas of financial management, record keeping, and other related matters to the Community.
Qualification and Experience
  • A University degree or membership of professional associations such as ACA, ACCA, or their equivalents or Higher National Diploma in Accounting or Banking and Finance with at least twelve years of post-qualification experience.

Job Title: Operations Manager

Location: Enugu

Roles and Responsibilities

The Operations Manager shall be in charge of:

  • Supervising and coordinating the overall activities of the Operation Department as well as the processing of applications seeking Agency funding.
  • Providing overall supervision of formulation and implementation processes of CDP5 /GDPs of micro-projects by CPMC / GPMC and ensuring the maintenance of records on all CDPs / GDPs of micro-projects on a continuous basis and passing on such information to the M&E Department,
  • Liaising with relevant MDAs to provide technical and back-up support to communities,
  • Consolidate annual work plans and budget of the Department as well as the provision of quarterly and annual projections for CDPs / GDPs and micro-projects implementation.
Qualifications and Experience
  • A University Degree in Agriculture, Engineering, Extension Services, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Project management, and any other relevant Degree, with at least twelve (12) years post qualification experience.
  • Previous experience in rural development projects or extension services shall be considered as an additional advantage.
  • Applicants must be computer literate.

Job Title: General Manager

Location: Enugu

Powers and Duties of the General Manager

The General Manager shall:

  • Be in charge of the general administration of the CSDP;
  • Manage SA Personnel;
  • Be the accounting officer of the SA;
  • Give approval for proposal of CDPs recommended by the SA management committee;
  • Authorize expenditure in accordance with the annual budget and work program of the SA as approved by the BOD;
  • Represent the SA in all its dealings with third parties at the level of the management;
  • Conduct dialogue with donor and those capable of providing complimentary technical and administrative skills and financial resources;
  • Delegate his authority to the staff of the Agency to the extent necessary for the efficient performance of the activities of CSDP;
  • Perform such other duties as may be required for the effective functioning of the SA;
  • Ensure regular reporting and adherence to the SA reporting relationship with the Project Financial Management Unit (PMFU) of the State.
Qualifications and Experience
  • A University degree in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, and/or any other relevant degree with at least fifteen years post-qualification experience in the private or public sector, five of which must be at management level.
  • A higher degree and experience in the management of rural development projects shall be an added advantage.

Job Title: Secretary to the General Manager

Location: Enugu

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Supporting the General Manager as a Personnel Assistant/Confidential Secretary,
  • Providing secretarial assistance e.g. prepare all letters, memoranda, and any requisite document for the GM,
  • Organizing itineraries, meetings, and related schedules,
  • Maintaining an adequate filing system for all mails and correspondence of the GM,
  • Assist the General Manager in covering Board meetings.
Qualification and Experience
  • A degree / HND in Secretarial Administration, Computer skills presentation, internet, and Microsoft Office packages.
  • She/he must have at least 7 years of secretarial experience.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should submit written applications with five (5) copies of Curriculum Vitae to:
The Board Chairman,
Enugu State Agency for Community and Social Development Project,
NTA / ESBS Building,
Enugu State.

Note: The Enugu state CSDP is an equal opportunity employer of male and female candidates, and they are encouraged to apply

Application Deadline  23rd September 2020.


  • We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity inclusion. We do not discriminate on grounds of color, race, nationality, religion, age, ethnic origin, disability, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation in our employment practices
  •  Our people are all equally gifted in unique ways: we come from diverse traditions, personal experiences, and points of view. And we want to include yours, Are you ready to inspire us with your ideas?
  •  We encourage all applicants to apply and do not practice any discrimination in any recruitment process.
  •  Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
    Due to the urgency of the position, we have the right to recruit a candidate who matches the required profile before the above deadline

Only qualified candidates will be invited for an interview

Only candidates can apply for this job.
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